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About Us
What’s New in Medicine celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2022.
What’s New in Medicine started in 2002 as an ACP of Southeast Washington. On May 4, 2002, the Southeast ACP-ASIM district, in coordination with the Benton County Medical Society, held its first continuing medical education conference in the Tri-City Coliseum, Founders Club in Kennewick, Washington. The theme was “What’s New in Medicine, 2002.”
Dr. Dave Dale, then the ACP Washington Chapter governor, helped spearhead the conference and met briefly with the meeting organizers: Roderick Coler, Teresita Clair de Jesus, Stephen Ewer, James Newman, Luzcel Tuazon, and Jimmy Chua (Coordinator for the SE Washington ACP-ASIM). There were 76 participants, 8 topics, and 10 speakers that comprised the first conference.
Ever since, the ACP in Southeast Washington has been holding annual CME courses and has grown in members, fellows (FACP), and participation in the college activities. The conference became biannual with the start of the Infectious Disease CME program in 2003. This eventually led to the combined annual Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease What’s New in Medicine CME program in 2006.
With the encouragement of the ACP national office, the theme of What’s New in Medicine became the name of the new 501c3 organization, forming from the initial Southeast Washington ACP in 2008. Each annual CME meeting also features an FACP evening, where futures FACP candidates are presented to the chapter governor and present a short speech to the ACP Washington Governor, family members, and current FACP fellows.
What’s New in Medicine attracts health care workers from all across Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and even Canada. Aside from physicians, attendees also include residents, medical students, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other members of the medical community, bringing together all aspects of the healthcare community.
In 2011, nine years laters, What’s New in Medicine has grown to include 330 participants, 24 topics, and 19 speakers. The conference has been growing steadily. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 conferences have been postponed.
In 2022, we are planning for a hybrid meeting which can offer up to 30 units for continuing medical education.
With our board and CME committee, we have developed partnerships in 2021 and 2022 with Virginia Mason Hospital, the Benton Franklin Health Department, the Benton Franklin Medical Society, Seattle Children’s Hospital, the Christian Medical and Dental Association, Pacific Northwest University, and the Washington State Medical Association.
We welcome all participants to the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick, Washington for our 20th annual What’s New in Medicine conference in 2022.